Wednesday 19 December 2012

Last Week of classes

During the last week of the final term this year the students were practicing for the Christmas show/closing ceremony. This included a variety of activities, such as acting, singing, dancing etc. The students from the fourth grade choir once again presented the songs that won them the Nueva Acropolis competition in October this year, as well as a new song for the Christmas show.

In the classroom the students got themselves into teams and organized some games and activities. Although we had done this together as a class before, I was very impressed on the final day because the students managed to do this themselves and showed wonderful responsibility. I would especially like to thank Sofia Wong, Viviana Vicente and Priscila Vásquez for leading the activities.

On the last day, Friday 14th, some of my Tigers had a picnic, to which they kindly invited me, and some others had lunch together. I was very happy to see my students spending time together and it was a very nice way to say goodbye to each other before the holidays. I would like to take this opportunity to wish my Tigers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! I wish you all the very best for the future and thank you for making me feel happy all year.

Friday 7 December 2012

Christmas Celebration

In December the school organized some games and activities for all of their students, from early year groups right up to senior students everybody had the chance to enjoy an afternoon of fun! It was a beautiful sunny day and my Tigers got to play crazy games that involved water, balloons, balls, hula-hoops etc.

My Tigers had their own Christmas celebration in their classroom where they shared food and drink as well as singing songs and watching some videos. That same day they also enjoyed decorating the classroom and making Christmas cards for their families.
I was very pleased that my students were also very responsible by helping me to clean and tidy the classroom after the party.

Monday 12 November 2012

Poppy Day

In November this year my Tigers wore their poppies to commemorate those who lost their lives during World War Two. This was also part of what they learnt during their English classes with Miss Yizelt. They made posters which showed pictures and information about World War Two, as well as making their own poppies to wear. Grade 4 student Viviana Vicente was invited to present a poppy to the school’s director Mr James Norbury.       

What is Remembrance Day?
Remembrance Day is also known as Poppy day, because it is traditional to wear an artificial poppy. They are sold by the Royal British legion, a charity dedicated to helping war veterans.

Remembrance Day is on 11 November. It is a special day set aside to remember all those men and women who were killed during the two World Wars and other conflicts. At one time the day was known as Armistice Day and was renamed Remembrance Day after the Second World War.

Monday 5 November 2012

 First Communion

First Communion is considered to be one of the holiest and most important occasions in the life of a Roman Catholic. It is the first time that a person receives the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, which consists of eating some consecrated bread and drinking consecrated wine. Catholics believe these to be the body and blood of Jesus Christ Most Catholic children receive their First Communion when they are 7 or 8 years old, because this is considered the age of reason. Other people can receive communion for the first time whenever they have met all of the Catholic Church's requirements.

Tigers received some lessons at the church of Santa Rita de Casia, where they made their first confession, which is also called the Sacrament of Penance a week before receiving their First Communion. The penance usually consists of several prayers to be recited immediately after leaving the confessional. After this, the child is considered to be absolved of sin, and he or she is ready for his or her First Communion.

On November the 3rd my precious Tigers received this Sacrament. They were very excited about this event in their lives. Parents and teachers accompanied the kids on that special day.

Thursday 25 October 2012

Sports Week

In October of this year all students of St George School enjoyed taking part in the annual sports week. Students, teachers and parents all belong to different houses which have different names and different colours. There are 4 houses in total: Griffin (yellow), Pegasus (blue), Phoenix (red) and Minotaur (green). Each house had the opportunity to present different songs and chants, as well as little dance routines to get everyone into the spirit of the event.

The inauguration of this event took place in Villa and it was great to see so many people there. Everyone had the chance to take part in many different games and competitions, such as football matches, basketball games, running races, volleyball etc. The following week the event continued in Miraflores and each house did their very best to win.

The final day of this event was a closing ceremony where each house once again got to present their dance routines, the choreography was excellent and everybody had a great time. The winning house this year was Pegasus, congratulations!


Friday 19 October 2012

Nueva Acropolis

This year in October the grade 4 students participated in the Nueva Acropolis competition. Together, with the direction of teachers Bárbara Leyva and Vincente, they formed a choir and sang two songs: Whatever and El Caballito. They all worked very hard and I am especially proud of my Tigers for their effort.

Every Thursday afternoon the students would rehearse their songs. The presentation was excellent as the students were very well behaved, they presented themselves well and I was very impressed that they didn’t even appear to be nervous!

I am especially pleased to congratulate the students because all of their effort paid off and they subsequently won the competition. This meant that they had the opportunity to return to the theatre to collect their certificates and also present their songs one more time. They were also rewarded with a small party at the school where they could relax and enjoy themselves after many busy weeks.

Friday 14 September 2012

It is known that in Saint George’s College they celebrate something called Solidarity Week. This is in order to raise money for charity.
Recently the students donated a certain amount of money to help this organization. It was fun for everyone because the students, and teachers, were allowed to go to school wearing fancy dress. For example they came dressed as superheroes, famous people and on the final day they arrived at school wearing their pajamas.
It was an interesting experience to walk around the school seeing Spiderman, Albert Einstein and the Incredible Hulk!

Monday 27 August 2012



On August 24th Saint George’s College organized a trip to “El Bosque” to celebrate Childrens’ Day.

My precious tigers had a lot of fun playing games and participating in sports events. They especially enjoyed playing in the play area, being active and sharing a wonderful day together.

Fortunately the weather was very beautiful that day, the sun was shining, the air was fresh and everybody was in good spirits. In addition to this the tigers showed magnificent creativity by making wonderful posters to emphasize the importance of Childrens’ Day.

Friday 3 August 2012

Are you ready?

After three weeks of holidays, I am really happy to see my lovely tigers again. All this time was good to rest, relax and be ready for classes again with all the energy nedeed to be in charge of this little kids.

I missed my Tiger a lot.
Tigers, you always give me happiness, enthusiasm and the most important, you give me  LOVE!, that is why I love having classes with you, I enjoy playing with you, and to have fun together. I am very glad you are bye my side, you always make me smile.

I hope you are happy to come back to school and continue learning, playing and having fun together.

I am waiting for you my precious Tigers!.

See you soon.


Great moment at St. Geroge's College

Teachers are one of the greatest people whom you can across in your life. They are not only the selfless givers but also the mentors of your life. At every step of your life, you come cross teachers who devote their entire life in the enlightenment of students like you.

For sure, teachers’ definition can’t be limited to a subject teacher because anyone who guides you in your life is a teacher. Many times in life, you feel like thanking your teacher but you do not find a proper occasion. So this teachers’ day commemorate your teachers’ efforts and thank him or her for being the guiding light in your life.

Last Friday on July 6th my little Tigers gave me a great surprise for this special day.

Sunday 15 July 2012


People say that school is like a second home and it’s very important for teachers to create a nice atmosphere in order to make students feel comfortable and happy in their learning environment.

At Saint George’s College we do more than that because not only do we teach subjects but also we teach values and how to be prepared confront the problems one faces in life. Usually at the end of each term the students share food with each other and each class celebrates with a little party.

Tigers had a lot of fun with their caring teacher. They had little competitions that involved dancing, singing, bowling and other small activity-based games.
It was a fantastic way to start the vacations and to inspire them to be excited about returning to school.

Tuesday 19 June 2012


Father is one of the most beautiful words and one of the first we learn, the one we claim when we are in danger. Nobody knows us as he does, nobody takes care of us as he does. Nobody is stronger or good than they are. These are not my words: they are what my Tigers wrote on the bookmarks and cards they prepared for their fathers. I was amazed with the lovely handmade pottery, the results were beyond my own expectations. However, Tigers did much more because all the groups presented awesome board displays helped by their teacher.

"Little Tigers working hard to finish on time"

"I always enjoy giving support to my dear Tigers"

"Maria Fe and Lia, they are very happy, they want to do their best".

"Erick, Sofía and Diego, a great team".

 "Mateo, Salvatore, Rodrigo and Erick"

Father's day is a great festivity. However I think it shouldn't be just one day but 365 days a year that we celebrate the most special person in our lives. So, happy Father's day, today and always.

Wednesday 6 June 2012


What a great celebration!

Elizabeth II became Queen of England at the age of 25 in 1952, and during her six decades on the throne she has witnessed a period in modern history in which has seen enormous social, political and technological change.

The Queen celebrates 60 years as Monarch in 2012! The Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II is a multinational celebration throughout 2012 marking the 60th anniversary of the accession of Queen Elizabeth II to the throne. 

A lot of events were coordinated at Buckingham Palace for the Diamond Jubilee central weekend (2nd - 5th June 2012) in England. 

This important event was also celebrated at  St. George`s College,  with little British flags  outside and inside the classrooms, boards with photographs of Queen Elizabeth and her coronation, compositions and quizzes solved by students showing how much they knew about the queen and this event.

                                                 Genaro Bocanegra and Daniela Carrasco

My little Tigers did a great job and they decorated their classroom with great enthusiasm. 

  Paula Lizarraga, Viviana Vicente, Iñaki Visbal and Lia  Castañeda. What a great team! 

Some of my little Tigers. They are proud of their great job!

Wednesday 16 May 2012


On May 21st my Little Tigers guided the assembly. They had the opportunity to share their knowledge in English in front of the rest of the students, they read important information, and they talked about “Childhood education day”.

Childhood education day was celebrated on May 25th, and early year pupils marched, sang, and said cheers, they did a great job.

Viviana Vicente, Priscila Váquez, Sofía Wong and Paula Lizárraga, were very excited and they practiced really hard, they arrived early and wore the uniform in the correct way,  they felt comfortable and did their best. I am glad about it.

But they were not the only students who took part in the assembly that day, there were also José Arturo Rojas and Lia Castañeda who were in charge of the national flag.

Thanks my dear Tigers for all your effort, you always make me feel happy!

Friday 11 May 2012


There is something special about the way a mother will give unconditionally. Love, support, a home, the confidence to be yourself in the world. knowing there is always someone to return home to. Someone who will accept you for who you are and love you for all your faults.  It is only human to take this for granted. Therfore it is important for me to remind my precious tigers to cherish the angel that protects and guides them. Their mother.

Mother's Day is a celebration that honors mothers and expresses gratitude for the hardship they bear in bringing up a child. And so it is, on the second Sunday of May we come together to send a message of thanks to the one who ask for no thanks. We love you mother, and if we don't say it enough, we know you will forgive us. 


In the school the tigers show their love and gratitude to their mothers by dancing, singing and making cards which they took home with them.


Friday 20 April 2012



The "Chacragranja" combines a beautiful botanical garden with the working farm and allows young people from all around Lima the oportunity to visit and enjoy a day feeding animals and getting to know about the plants.

This term my Tigers had the opportunity prowl the garden and hunt the animals.

The time in Chacragranja was great. The Tigers got to:
  • plant some seeds,
  • feed the animals
  • handle some lobster,
  • stroke some big spider,
  • kiss some frogs,
  • play with seaweed,
  • decorate flower pots and, above all
  • PLAY!

It was a day full of laugh to, new experiences and oportunities to learn for the Tigers. They really enjoyed this day!

Tuesday 13 March 2012

                    Welcome Tigers,
                      I am very happy to be your homeroom teacher this year. Not only will I be your homeroom teacher but also your Maths teacher. We will not only learn together but have fun too. You know that school is like our second home, so  I will make it as cosy as possible.
                      You have a friend in me that you can trust, ask for help, and  whenever you need me I will be there to support you. The only thing I expect from you is for you to be  responsible and to have a good attitude to do your school activities.

Miss Priscila